[SIOP 2017] Automated Conversion of Social Media into Data: Demonstration and Tutorial

This page of resources is organized into two sections: To Do Before You Arrive and Resources During the Workshop.

To Do Before You Arrive

To get the most benefit from this workshop, it is recommended that you bring a laptop with the following programs installed. They are all FREE. If you are ever asked for a credit card number, you've gone the wrong way.  I will be using a Windows machine, but I believe this should work just the same on Mac.  It is recommended you install them in this order:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Extensions for Google Chrome:
    1. JSON Viewer
    2. Scraper
  3. The R Project for Statistical Computing
  4. RStudio Desktop
  5. Java
  6. Once R and RStudio Desktop are installed, open RStudio and copy-paste the following commands in the window labeled Console. It will probably take a few minutes if you're installing R for the first time:
    1. install.packages("jsonlite")
    2. install.packages("dplyr")
    3. install.packages("rvest")
    4. install.packages("data.table")
    5. install.packages("xlsx")
    6. install.packages("rstudioapi")

Once you have all of that installed, download the following, open it, and save the files into their own folder somewhere that you'll be able to find later: SIOP 2017 Workshop R Project

With all that done, you're ready for the workshop!

Resources During the Workshop

If you like to take notes on PDFs, please take advantage of this notes PDF:

Complete Presentation

Alternatively, if you'd prefer one PDF for each portion of the workshop, please take advantage of these:

  1. Section 1: Introduction
    Section 1 Introduction
  2. Section 2: Theoretical Foundations
    Theoretical Foundations
  3. Section 3: Technical Overview
    Technical Overview
  4. Section 4: Executing an API-based Scraping Project
    Executing an API Project
  5. Section 5: Executing a Web Scraping Project
    Executing a Scraping Project
  6. Section 6: Practical Issues
    Practical Issues